Guidance Sessions, Healing and Community Learning facilitated by Jessica Howard

Group Gatherings | Sangha | Dhamma and Meditation: Gather together as a spiritual community and immerse yourself in the studies of philosophy, history and the practices of meditation. Offered on the First Friday of each month we explore  Dhamma (wisdom) in addition to a jhana based meditation practice and time for open reflection / insight discussion.

First Fridays | 6-7:30 pm at the Yurt in Westport |Free to Alumni of our YTT program & Members / $10 to public |RSVP kindly requested |call / text 774-264-0786

Individual POTEGP Path Analysis and Diagnosis: Are you a seeker, in need of cultivating balance or simply have questions about spirituality or a “life path”? This free informational session helps you to discover yourself and may offer spiritual guidance and or tools for empowerment.  We help others connect with their own “life path” by examining the framework of P.O.T.E.G.P., and together create a road map towards a more peaceful way of living. 

I-Ching Readings: The basis for the Philosophy of Taoism comes from this ancient book of wisdom. Readings are done for individuals or small groups. If you have reached a crossroad and are seeking advice and or guidance on the next step to take, this special reading provides practical wisdom. $20 per reading, sessions last 60-90 minutes 

To book an appointment please email or call; [email protected] | 774-264-0786

Jessica Howard is the Abbess, Mentor & Guide of the P.O.T.E.G.P. Spiritual Guidance Center 501(c)(3). The Center was co-founded by Greg Squillante and Jessica in 2011. Learn more