Leave a legacy that transcends time!
There are many ways to support that work for people of all means, and at all stages of life.
Read on to learn more about the options that are available.

Include us in your will or trust

The simplest and most common way to include The Philosophy of the Eight Guided Paths Spiritual Guidance Center Charitable Trust (D.B.A. The Heron Center) in estate planning is by making a charitable provision in your will or trust. This kind of charitable bequest can be a designated dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the residual amount remaining in your estate after all other obligations have been made.

You and your attorney may use this sample language:

“I herby give and bequeath ______ (dollar amount, or percentage, of residual of the estate) to the The Philosophy of the Eight Guided Paths Spiritual Guidance Center Charitable Trust, 311 Sanford Rd, Westport MA 02790, for its general purposes.”

Donate all or part of your retirement funds

Retirement funds in many ways are the perfect asset to leave to charity, because – unlike your heirs – charitable beneficiaries do not have to pay any income taxes for receiving those funds. It is also quick and easy: You simply need to notify the custodian of your retirement funds that you want all or part of a particular fund to pass to The Philosophy of the Eight Guided Paths Spiritual Guidance Center Charitable Trust.

Donate the principal of your donor-advised fund

If you have a donor-advised fund (DAF), you might consider directing the organization sponsoring your DAF that you would like the principal of your fund donated at the end of your life to The Philosophy of the Eight Guided Paths Spiritual Guidance Center Charitable Trust and other charitable organizations you care about at set percentages.

Name us as a beneficiary on your financial accounts

Naming The Philosophy of the Eight Guided Paths Spiritual Guidance Center Charitable Trust as a beneficiary on your financial accounts—such as retirement plans, bank accounts, and life insurance policies— costs nothing and doesn’t require a will or lawyer.

You add us as a beneficiary the same way you would add a loved one—or you can add us in addition to loved ones. All you need to do is contact your account provider and request a “Change of Beneficiary” form (you might find this on the provider’s website).

Please notify us if you’ve included us in your estate plans so we can welcome you to The Heron Giving Circle , which recognizes and celebrates you in many ways throughout the year. The generosity of people like you ensures that land conservation, conscientious earth stewardship, creative arts and health will thrive in the beautiful SouthCoast and continue for years to come.

Your Legacy

Once you’ve made the choice to include The Philosophy of the Eight Guided Paths Spiritual Guidance Center Charitable Trust in your estate plans, you become a part of our The Heron Giving Circle, which recognizes and celebrates you in many ways throughout the year. The generosity of people like you ensures that land conservation, conscientious Earth stewardship, creative arts and health will thrive in the beautiful South East of Massachusetts and continues for years to come.

Have questions or want to learn more?

We welcome all inquiries. Please email Jessica Howard, executive director, or call her at 774-264-0786, to help you achieve your philanthropic goals. All conversations are confidential.