Please check out schedule for summer updates.
Monday’s Basics & Yoga Nidra with Peter Bogle is cancelled till the fall.
Saturday’s Gentle Yoga & Stretching is open for registration only (no drop ins, so please sign up ahead of time)




coming soon this summer….want to dance, create and perform? This improvisational and compositional dance class will be for ALL levels of experience. The program will run 7 weeks, featuring warm ups, choreographic tools, improvisational scores and dance making, all culminating in a live performance (with potential to perform with live music). Students will be able to create solos or group work to music composed by Tom Poitras!

program details will be announced soon! please inquire if you are interested in participating and want to know more!



Wak Up Early Saturday Morning 6/22 and join me for a 7 am Yoga Class at Bishop Connolly Highschool for Fall River’s Relay for Life. After enjoy a walk for the cause!

Relay for life

Relay For Life is a life-changing event that gives everyone in communities across the globe a chance to celebrate the lives of people who have battled cancer, remember loved ones lost, and fight back against the disease.


Next Humpday Cabaret

Wednesday June 26th 7-9pm

Tickets $5 at the door (cash only)

want to perform? click here

Happy Solstice!