• When: August 3, 2018 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
  • Where: The Yurt | 311 Sanford Road Westport MA 02790
  • Summary: Learn a practical, yet profound healing technique for accessing your higher self with International spiritual teacher Kiara Windrider
  • Details:

    We are entering into a time that mystics and prophets of many ages have referred to as a shift of the ages. This shift refers to a gateway between worlds, the emergence of a new species of humanity, of infinite creator dimensions awakening fully within the fields of matter. As we go through the corridor of a planetary rebirth, we are experiencing challenges, as well as, opportunities like never before. We have incarnated here to initiate a new cycle of life, and to transform this earth into a beautiful paradise. But for this we must discover who we are, and activate the power and beauty of our souls. In this two day workshop, we will open our hearts to a field of light in which we can walk this earth as awakened beings. Our shared intention is to reconnect the streams of energy joining earth and sky, awaken our innermost being, and open our hearts to the possibility of living fearlessly on earth. We will experience an initiation into a mystery school tradition known as Ilahinoor, a hands on technique which quickly allows us to merge with our light body, thereby creating a direct access to multi-dimensional frequencies for healing, awakening, and manifesting our unique destiny on earth.During this training we will learn to access these energies through an understanding of brain physiology and soul psychology. Kiara will also share teachings and practices from the Q’ero Inka tradition, which provide direct and easy access to shamanic worlds.

    Kiara’s Bio:
    Kiara Windrider, MA, is a psychotherapist and author, whose great passion has been to investigate the journey of human evolution in context of long-range cycles of time. He has approached this study through the eyes of shamans, geologists, historians, physicists, prophets and mystics, and has come to the firm conviction that we stand collectively at the brink of a quantum evolutionary leap beyond our wildest dreams. Kiara has written five books, including Year Zero: Time of the Great Shift, Ilahinoor: Awakening the Divine Human, Gaia Luminous: Emergence of the New Earth, Homo Luminous, and Issa: Son of the Sun.



Ilahinoor and Global Awakening with Kiara Windrider