• When: January 6, 2018 11:00 am - 5:00 pm
  • Where: The Heron Studio | 187 Plymouth Avenue Fall River MA
  • Summary:
  • Details:

    Reiki Level 1 Training

    Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. “Rei” meaning spirituality; and “Ki” meaning life force energy, combines to become “spiritually guided life force energy”. Reiki is used to treat the whole person including the body, emotions, mind, and spirit.
    This simple, natural, and safe method of healing and relaxation can be used on yourself or another person after taking this level one, one day training session.
    We will go over the history of Reiki, undergo an initiation of reiki abilities, learn reiki symbols, and have hands-on learning practice.

    This training will be led by Reiki Master/Teacher Jenna Petersen (RYT 200). Jenna was trained by Shabnam Hashemi RM/RN in 2016 and has had beneficial experiences from practicing reiki in her life.

    Reiki level I Tuition is $135
    maximum of 10 students

    To register you can book via our website http://www.theheronstudio.com/schedule/ or use the mindbody ap!

    for more information please email us [email protected]

Reiki Level I Training