Heron News

Heron News

Class announcements and cancellations:  The following classes are cancelled on dates mentioned…. Kundalini on Monday 6/27 Barre class on Thurday 6/30 Join the Heron on Tuesday July 12th at Fall River’s AHA Harry Potter Themed Event from 10 am-2pm. We

Memory Cafe

Memory Cafe

Dear Friends,  Duke’s Bakery and the POTEGP Spiritual Guidance Center 501(c) 3,  are partnering to provide Memory Cafe’s to the Fall River community.  Memory Cafe’s are for people living with Dementia, Alzeimer’s (stages 1,2, & 3), Individuals with Developmental and

Wellness Festival

Wellness Festival

January 23rd | 10am – 2pm | $5 entry fee This festival’s goal is to connect and inform people with wellness professionals and holistic programs. The day will provide a schedule of educational workshops, demonstrations, services and person to person